Four Steps To Take To Clean Up After A Burst Pipe

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A broken pipe requires more than just a simple plumbing repair, often there is also water damage to contend with. Flooding, even minor, can result in long lasting damage to the main structures of the house, as well as ongoing mold and mildew problems, if it isn't treated immediately. The following guide will help you develop a plan of action while you await the arrival of the emergency restoration crew.

#1: Mitigate electrical hazards

A flood from a burst pipe often doesn't result in a major electrical hazard unless the area that was exposed to water has an outlet or other electrical line running through it. If there is any concern about electrocution, do not hesitate to shut off the circuit breaker to the affected area – it is much better to be safe rather than sorry. Your restoration crew can make a full inspection to determine whether or not electrical work will be needed to avoid water-related dangers during restoration.

#2: Strip out all soft furnishings

Any soft furnishings – rugs, drapes, and other removable fabric items – should be pulled from the wet area immediately, even if exposure to water was minimal. It takes only short exposure to moisture to result in mold and mildew problems, particularly in warmer climates. If an item is machine or hand washable, you can clean it if you feel confident in doing so. Otherwise, place it in a dry area with plenty of air circulation to dry as you await restoration services.

#3: Soak up excess water

It can be very difficult to extract all of the moisture from an area if you don't have experience, but you can begin to clean up the flood. Use towels and mops to remove as much standing water as possible. Do not leave towels on the wet areas, though, as this will only trap moisture and speed mold growth. Drying an area quickly is the key to avoiding major damage, so any head start you can begin on the process will help in the final restoration efforts.

#4: Protect your furniture

It's not always feasible to pull furniture items out of a flooded area. If you can't, then at least take steps to protect the. This usually means elevating the legs so they don't absorb moisture from the ground. You can achieve this by sliding a piece of foil or a cookie sheet beneath the legs to create a waterproof barrier. If wall board is wet, then pull back furniture so it doesn't touch the walls.

For more help, contact an emergency restoration service in your area.
